Part of why I decided to gear my cause toward the provision and education of Art/supplies in schools is because I know what it's like to feel like you're not good at anything. To be a fish being graded by cat standards.
For artistic people with ADHD its easy to think you might be stupid or something, but the reality is that you're just not being nurtured and enriched in the way you should. Now of course I blame the colonized systems we have been operating under but like I said in the previous post I'm learning to flow like water. I've given it some thought and I'll tell you some of the leaks I've found and ways to plug them.
Well here's what I've come up with so far.
One of the biggest problems is there isn't enough discourse around education in the arts. Most schools will give general overviews of the subjects like colors, shapes and stick drawing but that's as far as they go. This is because they either don't have an art teacher or have one for the whole school. This means any artistic students will be under stimulated or looked over.
So how can we help?
By talking about it! By bringing attention to the fact that we have thousands of kids having their talents wasted and ignored. Let's start the conversation! Comment below any thoughts or solutions you might have thought up!