If you hadn't noticed by now, the sefirot on the tree of life basically describes the processes through which we as spiritual beings manifest into matter. All great feats of man have always been accompanied by a strong will and clear mental fortitude. It's kinda like how everyone says in order for you to manifest your own desires you must first set a clear visual image and then begin to move in the energy of your desires.
Hod meaning Glory refers to the logical analytical aspect of thinking. By doing this it brings form to the glory of Netzach and creates the mental clarity required to create in Yesod. Through a clear mental picture and clear intent the victory of Netzach is manifested into Yesod. Basically Hod refers to that process of creating a positive mental image. By using a sharp mind and discernment your able to create a clear picture of what ever it was that sparked the divine creativity in Netzach.
Thought precedes action, just as math is the basis of drawing in perspective, logical thinking is the basis for the spiritual expansion of consciousness.