This is the desire to win, the power to overcome and be victorious that is supported by divine creativity. In the quest for self improvement it's the resolve to be better than yourself yesterday. It is the ability to recognize that through the cycles experienced in Malkuth only you have the ability to transform your life through your actions and acceptance of whatever may come out of it. Aligning with the Sacral Chakra it is a balance between individual and collective energies.
Think of it like a football player, their desire to win would be so great that they’re willing to sacrifice anything. Spending hours training only to maintain a strict diet and spend most of their money supporting this lifestyle, but above all spending time coming up with strategies for maximizing their training and playing techniques. It's the upward struggle to reach your goals through sheer will and creativity. If Hod is the thought to create then Netzach is the will/desire that precedes it.
In this manner of thinking Netzach stands as victory over your feelings about yourself and the things you create and do. The energy of Netzach drives us to try and be better than who we were yesterday through divine creativity and will power.